Ime Bellissa Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd

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Welcome To Bellissa

Bellissa Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. is based at Kolkata having its corporate office in Mumbai, India. Bellissa “the lovely one” has put the first strides in the cosmetology and dermatology segment with plans to enter into all the therapeutic segments of healthcare industry. Bellissa has collaborated with very selective and esteemed developers and manufacturers to bring about quality, affordable and innovative healthcare solutions to all patients to fight their discomforts and for better future.

The philosophy behind Bellissa is that “though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” We Bellissa the lovely one has born to bring about changes in everybody’s life, health of the sick, employment of unemployed, contribute to make each and every Bellissians life beautiful and for managing our future effectively.


Dedicated to
Joining Hands With Experts
A Beautiful World

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